Contact us
There are several ways to reach us, some of which will work (we hope) when we are nowhere near a wifi connection or a cell tower. You can:
—Send text to Andy's mobile phone, 206-914-0404, or leave a voice message—either of which we should be able to receive when we're within range of a cell tower.
—Send us email (we won't receive it until we're within cell or wifi range):
—When we're out of phone range, you can contact us by visiting our Garmin InReach MapShare Page and following this really clunky procedure (which will send us a message via satellite, whether we are near a cell tower or not):
- Follow this link to the MapShare page.
- In the upper left-hand corner, click on Message.
- In the Send Message window enter your e-mail address or phone number and message.
- Click Send.
- The next time our inReach device connects to the Iridium satellite network (which should be every 10 minutes), we should receive your message.
—In the event of an emergency —if you can't reach us through any of the above methods—you may call or text Support Services Director Marla Williams, at 206-914-9173, or email her at marla@osprey-alaska.org.