Misty Fiords passage

Granite cliff in Punchbowl Cove, Misty Fiords
BILL AND I LEFT KETCHIKAN Saturday, June 15, heading counterclockwise in a 3-foot chop around big Revillagigedo Island, into Behm Canal and Misty Fiords National Monument.
Our first night was at Winstanley Anchorage, where getting the hook set was complicated by a full moon bringing a nearly 20-foot tidal range. Anchoring has been a tricky business for us in the deep, steep-sided inlets of Misty Fiords. But in each of the places we’ve anchored, we have been able to find areas shallow areas where we felt secure.

Winstanley Anchorage under waxing gibbous moon. (Bill Ryan)

View into Walker Cove. (Bill Ryan)

In Walker cove. (Bill Ryan)

In Walker Cove

Walker Cove anchorage

Bill Ryan, in Walker Cove

Bill, in Walker Cove
After a long, rough passage down Behm Canal yesterday, we arrived at friendly Knutson Cove Marina (really nice people), in the hamlet of Clover Pass, where we tied up for the night. We’re gassed up now and heading out—for Meyers Chuck, about 26 NM to the northwest.

Knutson Cove Marina (Bill Ryan)

Clover Pass School (Bill Ryan)

Clover Pass School (Bill Ryan)