Alaska’s capital, Juneau

Near the end of Glacier Highway, Juneau
MY WIFE MARLA AND I MET AT A MURDER-SUICIDE in Anchorage, and a few months later we moved to Juneau. We were both reporters. Mar covered Alaska government for a statewide radio network; I wrote for the Anchorage Times. We moved to Miami in 1985 for work. That was almost 35 years ago, and I haven’t been back here since.
In the intervening years, The 49th state’s capital city has grown by about a third (to 32,000 in 2014) and, in summer months, enormous cruise ships daily discharge thousands of tourists onto city streets. If you decide to visit, try and pick a time when one or more of the 5,000-passenger megaships isn’t docked downtown.
Marla has flown here with her brother, Kinnon, who will be traveling with me to Glacier Bay and back. My brother Bill is heading back to New York City. The infestation of cruise ships not withstanding, I still love this special town, which can only be reached by boat or plane.

Our old neighborhood (Marla Williams)
In 2016 the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Restitution Trust and the Aleutian Pribilof Heritage Group placed a memorial at the St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, to the Unagan people who were forcibly removed from their homes during World War II and sent to internment camps in Southeast Alaska. Marla was privileged to write the words for the memorial.

Memorial stone at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church

Detail from the memorial stone

Detail from the memorial stone

Osprey crew member Kinnon Williams at St. Nicholas Church
In Juneau we saw:

Humpback whale sculpture by local artist R. T. “Skip” Wallen

Mendenhall Glacier view (Marla Williams)

Eagle River, north of Juneau
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